How to Clean uPVC Windows

Your uPVC windows will look great when they’re first fitted – especially if you’ve chosen Genesis Collection windows!

But how do you make sure your uPVC windows stay looking as good as when they were first fitted?

The answer is to understand how to clean uPVC windows properly.

uPVC windows are very low maintenance. But cleaning uPVC windows regularly will keep them looking good. It will also help keep the mechanisms working smoothly so they are always a pleasure to open and close.

We recommend cleaning your uPVC windows every three months or so. If you live in a town or city, near the sea or in any harsh environment, you might want to clean your uPVC windows a bit more frequently.

It’s obvious, but your uPVC windows have two parts – the frame and the glass. Here’s how to clean both parts.

How to clean uPVC window frames

Cleaning uPVC window frames is a simple job. It doesn’t need any special products or expertise.

The first thing to do when cleaning uPVC window frames is to remove the loose dust and dirt.

Open the window as far as you can. Use your vacuum to remove the loose dust and dirt from every part of the frame. Don’t forget to do the hinge and opening mechanism. If your vacuum has a soft brush nozzle attachment, use this. It will help to stop any accidental scratches.

Next, wipe down the window frame with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth or sponge. You don’t need to use a specialist cleaning product – washing up liquid is all that’s needed.

Don’t let the window frame dry in the air. Instead, dry it using a soft, clean cloth. Old tea towels or t-shirts are ideal.

Change the water regularly so you aren’t moving dirt from one window to the next. And change your drying cloth when it gets too wet to dry the window frame effectively.

The most important things to note when cleaning uPVC window frames is what NOT to use. uPVC is a hard-wearing material but isn’t designed to withstand scrubbing or harsh chemicals.

Don’t use scouring pads, wire wool or any other abrasive material. Don’t be too vigorous or scrub at the surface with your cloths or sponges. Don’t use knives or other sharp objects to lift anything stuck to the surface. If you need to, contact your Genesis installer for professional advice.

Don’t use any cleaning products that will damage the surface. Here are some of the products to avoid at all costs:

  • Bleach because this will discolour your frames
  • Cream cleaners such as Cif because they’re slightly abrasive
  • Methylated spirit
  • Nail varnish remover
  • WD40
  • White spirit

How to clean uPVC window glass

The best way to clean uPVC window glass is the old-fashioned way – using vinegar, water and old newspaper. Mix up one-part vinegar to four parts warm water. Dip the newspaper in the vinegar and water mix and wipe down the window glass and remove smears, grease and dirt. Change the vinegar and water mix regularly to avoid moving dirt from one pane to the next.

Use a soft, clean dry cloth to dry the window glass – don’t let the glass dry in the air. Again, old tea towels and t-shirts are ideal for this task.

Admire your windows!

Once you’ve finished, stand back to admire your beautiful clean uPVC windows!

We might be biased, but we think this job is much more enjoyable when you’re cleaning beautiful windows. Take a look at Genesis Collection windows and start imagining the difference they could make to your home.