How Much are uPVC Windows

You probably already know that it’s difficult to find out how much uPVC windows are. There are some good reasons for this. We’ll explain these in this article. We’ll also look at some of the factors that will affect how much your uPVC windows are likely to cost.

Why the window industry makes it hard to find out how much they are

Until recently, the window industry has been driven by price. Window companies have traditionally avoided revealing any prices because of the risk of being undercut. These days, there’s been a shift in the market. More and more people are realising that there’s a difference between windows that are cheap and windows that offer good value.

Genesis Collection windows are a perfect example of this. We take the industry’s best materials and with attention to detail and innovative manufacture, make them better. Our windows represent the best value the industry has to offer. Our test is simple. Products only become part of the Genesis Collection when we’d be happy to buy them for our own homes.

Why the price of uPVC windows depends on where you live

Good uPVC windows are made to measure for your home. This means how much your uPVC windows are will depend lots of different factors. These include the size of the windows and how complex the installation will be.

How much your uPVC windows are will also depend on where you live in the country. You may find that if you live in the South East your windows may cost more than if you live in the Midlands. This reflects the cost of doing business in different areas.

The factors that will affect how much your uPVC windows are

It is hard to say how much uPVC windows are. However, we can tell you some of the factors that will affect their price.

The type of uPVC window you want will affect how much they are. For example, a standard uPVC casement window will cost less than a Flush Window or a Sash Window. This is because a standard casement window is easier to make. But a Flush Window or a Sash Window might be the type of window that would best in your home. Choosing a standard white casement window because it’s cheaper wouldn’t make good sense.

The colour of your window frames will affect the price. A standard white window will be the cheapest. A coloured frame from a company’s standard colour range will cost more. A coloured frame from the company’s bespoke range will cost more again.

The level of thermal efficiency you choose will affect how much your uPVC windows are. If you choose to upgrade the thermal efficiency of the window to keep your home warmer and quieter you can expect to pay more. On the other hand, you’ll have a warmer, quieter home and have lower heating bills.

The level of security you choose will affect how much your uPVC windows are. If you choose windows that have Secured by Design accreditation you will likely pay a premium. But you’ll also have greater peace of mind, so the windows are worth the extra investment.

How important is the cost of your windows?

You can buy cheap uPVC windows but they could be a false economy. They might not be as well made. They might not enhance the look of your home. Instead, look for good value from your uPVC windows. The best windows won’t necessarily be the cheapest. But they will be the ones that are beautiful to look at and enhance your home. They will make you smile every time you look at them.

To look at uPVC windows that offer exceptional value, take a look at Genesis Collection uPVC windows.